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How to find Paradise!

We are at km 76 on the old road from Santa Cruz to Cochabamba here are some simple directions depending where you are coming from. Please take note that the kilometer markers now read #420


Coming From Santa Cruz

The easiest way to get to Paradise is using one of the Samaipata shared taxi "Trufi" service which usually cost about 30 Bs per seat and leaves soon as 7 seats are filled or paid for. they are located close to the coner of the second ring and Avenida Grigota.  (Samaipata is about 3 hours from Santa Cruz while Ginger's Paradise is only 2 hours from Santa Cruz). Ask to get down at the hanging foot bridge which is on a curve just 2 km befor the small village of Bermejo.

From Sucre

There is only the overnight buses and many to choose from. try to pick one that leaves late from Sucre becuase it should be about a 10 hour ride till Bermejo. set your alarm as this bus drivers will often forget where you want to get down, since it is a long trip for them too, they tend to swap drivers halfway. 2km after the small village of Bermejo ask to get down next to the hanging foot bridge on the curve!

From Samaipata

Close to the main Plaza of Samaipata there are 3 different taxi companies each charging 30 bs per seat till Santa Cruz or anywhere on the way towards Santa Cruz.  Soon as the taxi is full it leaves and usually takes 1 hour to arrive to our hanging foot bridge (2km after the small village of Bermejo). cross the bridge and walk about 700 meters to find the giant bamboo and stone house where you will be welcomed

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